You want employees to be able to discover, tell and share their own employee stories to inspire one another. You want your employee story to be connected and to be supported by a wide range of personal employee stories. This workshop helps your employees bring your corporate story to life with inspiring employee storytelling.
Employee storytelling workshop has been developed for organisations that want to introduce employees to the power of storytelling. In this workshop, you learn to experience and discover storytelling. We will teach you how to tell your story briefly. You will learn everything there is to know about applying the proper storytelling techniques. You will gain self-confidence from the personal commitment of the trainer. Above all, you will further cultivate your own personality because you will know how to tell your story in an authentic, clear and inspiring way with greater confidence. This storytelling training programme helps you to get your story across successfully.
Why storytelling?
Storytelling shows ‘who we are’ and ‘what we mean to each other’. Using personal stories within organisations serves a variety of purposes. They provide direction and meaning to the mission & vision of the organisation. They make the collective dream visible. They clarify the personal ‘drive’ felt by individual employees.