Customer story workshop

You want your customers to feel connected to your corporate story and to bring your added value and corporate values to life. Success is based on a strong feeling of closeness to the customer. This workshop enables your company to develop an appealing customer story, preferably together with your customers.

The customer has a story.

The customer story is at the heart of connecting customers to you. Every contact between the customer and your brand or company should make an impression. The essence of this is inspiring the right person at the right time in their customer journey using the content most relevant to them. Having a customer story is important for connecting to customers at the first touch point. Stories need to have the capacity to allow people to experience things they would otherwise miss.

The customer story workshop enhances the customer journey with the ultimate storytelling experience.

Customer story workshop

You want your customers to have a compelling customer story, they can connect to.

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    We are looking forward to meeting you to exchange ideas on OneStory® – Get engaged.

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    Storytelling scan

    We offer storytelling scans for gaining clear insight into the maturity level of your Storytelling Backbone with respect to boosting leadership, employee, and customer engagement.

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