A lot can be said for using storytelling in your organisation or brand, or in your services and products. Is it difficult for you to convey these elements in a narrative? Here are five inspiring perspectives to help you create your own corporate story.
1. The future lies in the history of the organisation
A few years ago, we had the opportunity to write a corporate story about a family business. That company is now successful but that was not always the case over its 60-year history. The founder of the company teetered on the edge of insolvency several times during the first few years. He had to sell his entire fleet of machines and start all over again, not once but twice. But he persisted. What a wonderful story that unearthed. A story that serves as an inspiration to the current generation of employees. A story about faith in your own abilities, about perseverance, hard work and literally blood, sweat and tears. No doubt a similar heroic story is waiting to be uncovered in your company’s history.
2. Employee stories increase the credibility of the organisation
Take the people out of an organisation and it will perish. Of course, it is people that give an organisation life and vibrancy, and this contributes to the success of the organisation. Many employees are willing and able to talk about this in a very engaging way. About the ways in which they have grown with the organisation, the experiences they have shared with customers and special moments within the organisation. Why not document these stories? In fact, these stories make you, as an organisation, more human, likeable and trustworthy. You almost certainly have born storytellers within your organisation.
3. No experience is as powerful as the customer’s
Customers are your bread and butter. They make sure the bills get paid. And that is why organisations do everything in their power to keep their customers loyal. It is now quite common for loyal customers to get a good idea of what goes on within an organisation over the years. This can result in some brilliant anecdotes or stories. For example, a story from your very first customer, or even your most recent. What are their best or most memorable experiences with the organisation? What prompted them to make that first purchase? And one thing is for certain; asking customers to share their experiences not only provides amazing stories but also gives the organisation a great deal of valuable management information. It might be a good idea to pay a visit to some of your most loyal customers.
4. Today’s success was born of yesterday’s failure
In interviews, we often hear: “No need to write that down.” That usually means that something in the recent or distant past did not go quite as well as planned in the company or in a project. We then explain that it would be a shame to simply sweep it all under the rug. Often something that initially proves to be a complete failure ultimately leads to the best or most innovative solutions. In that sense, there is no such thing as a failure. On top of that, these types of scenario also say a lot about the perseverance of an organisation and the people who work there. They know how to turn a failure into a success. Take a look at how new products, services or projects in your organisation have come about. Nine out ten cases will have seen their fair share of setbacks.
5. The sector as a stepping stone for your organisation
If these tips haven’t yet given you the inspiration you need to develop a fascinating and unifying story, then the sector in which you work may offer some direction. What is there to say about the sector? What industry developments offer the perfect hook for your story?